Terms and Conditions

I confirm and agree that the terms and conditions shall govern my agency banking services with ORBIT. ORBIT and the agent are, where the context so requires herein, individually referred to as ‘a Party’ and jointly as ‘the Parties’.

Obligations of the Agent

The Agent shall:

  1. Ensure all transactions done on behalf of ORBIT are online using the platforms provided by ORBIT
  2. Maintain float with ORBIT via wallet

Obligations of ORBIT

ORBIT shall:

  1. Subject to regulations, advise the agent of such services that the agent may provide on behalf of ORBIT
  2. Allow the Agent to collect commission as may be agreed in respect of the services rendered to customers on behalf of ORBIT.

Confidential Information

  1. Parties shall treat all information (except to the extent that such information is public knowledge, independently developed, or acquired from another source other than as a result of any breach of this Agreement) acquired from the other Party as confidential.
  2. No Party shall disclose such information to any third party (save to relevant authorities pursuant to government regulations or orders of court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction or regulations of the relevant card scheme) or use it for any purpose other than is necessary to perform its obligations under this Agreement and the transactions contemplated herein.


  1. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this Agreement or any other Agreement or document between the parties, this Agreement shall remain in force and binding on the parties except terminated by a Party. Each party shall thereafter have the right to terminate this Agreement on 60 days’ notice for any reason or on 30 days’ notice in an event where there is a breach of the terms of this agreement by a Party, and that Party failed to rectify same within 10 working
  2. During the notice period mentioned above:
    1. The Agent will continue to provide the Service to customers during the notice period.
    2. The Agent will be entitled to the commissions and incentives for providing the Service during notice period.
    3. The Agent shall return all materials (e.g. mPOS terminal, posters, publicity material, etc.) provided by the ORBIT in connection with the Service to the ORBIT, at its own cost, by the end of notice period.
    4. On and from the end of the notice period, the Agent shall cease to represent ORBIT in any of its dealings.


  1. The Agent shall indemnify ORBIT for all actions, claims, costs, losses and liabilities arising from:
  2. Any loss, liability, reasonable costs and expenses including any claim, action or demand which the Bank may incur or which may be made against it as a result of the Agent’s negligence or willful default or that of its officers or employees; or
  3. Any fraud, dishonesty or misconduct (criminal or otherwise) relating to the transactions perpetrated by the Agent.


Notices shall be sent to each Party at the addresses stated above or such other address as party may notify the other in writing.

No Guaranteed Income

  1. No warranties or representations are made with regard to potential revenues that may be earned by the agent from the provision of the ORBIT Agency Banking Services and no reliance should be placed on any statements or projections provided whether verbally or in writing in this respect.